MORAY V2.5b 27th February 1997 This archive contains Moray V2.5b, a Maintenance Release of Moray V2.5 and of V2.5a. It fixes a number of bugs that were contained in Moray V2.5 and V2.5a. Please check the file WHATSNEW.TXT for a list of all changes made in this version. Below is the original README.TXT from V2.5. MORAY V2.5 1st December 1996 Here is Moray V2.5, the first Moray version that support specific features of POV-Ray 3.0. As some of you may have heard (and those of you that haven't should point your web browsers to, this is the final DOS release of Moray. The next version will be a 32-bit Windows program, designed to run under Windows NT and Windows 95. The feedback we have gotten from you, the users, has been mostly in favour of a Windows version. Most of those against it were against it because they had reservations about the Windows version being as easy-to-use and as fast as the DOS version. We're confident that the Windows version will be better than the DOS version in just about every respect. For those of you that are upgrading from V2.0, the file WHATSNEW.TXT contains all changes made between V2.02 and V2.5 and the manul has a chapter entitled 'New Features in V2.5' which describes the exact same thing. This Archive contains the following files: README - This file MORAY.DOC - The V2.5 Manual, Tutorials and Reference MORAY.EXE - The actual V2.5 executable SETUP.EXE - The Setup Assistant for Moray V2.5 SETUP.HLP - The helpfile for the Setup Assistant REGISTER.TXT - Registration instructions REGISTER.FRM - Registration form BUGREPRT.FRM - Bug Report form SUPPORT.TXT - Instructions on how to reach us and get support MORAY.INI - The configuration file (see MORAY.DOC) MORAY.MNU - The menu file. MRYDEFLT.COL - The default color definition file MRYTXTR.LST - The texture list MORAY should know about MRYPOV.INC - The default include file for POV-Ray scene files. MRYPOLY.INC - The default include file for Polyray scene files. MRYTXTR.MDL - The MDL file containing predefined textures. CALLMRAY.BAT - A batch file for an external Model/Render loop FILE_ID.DIZ - A BBS description of Moray V2.5. SYSxxxxy.FNT - System Fonts for various resolutions MDL/*.MDL - Various scene files POVSCN/ - The default scene directory for POV files. POLYSCN/ - The default scene directory for PI files. MDL/ - The default scene directory for MDL files. UDO/ - The default directory for UDO files. UTILS/ - This directory contains two useful utilities and a VESA testing and (MORAY relevant) benchmarking program. RAW/ - The default directory for RAW files. MAPS/ - The default directory for imagemaps, bumpmaps, heightfields and backdrop images. To install, just copy the ZIP to your harddisk in a directory like \MORAY and unzip with the -d option (creating subdirectories). Then call SETUP.EXE to complete the installation. The Setup Assistant has an extensive online help system to help you to setup Moray on your system. If you are updating from and older Version of Moray, it is suggested that you install to a new directory and then manually move your old scenes to the new MDL directory. If you are updating from V1.54 or earlier, you should read the chapter 'New Features in V2.0' in the manual (page 103), then the Chapter 'New Features in V2.5' (page 108) and then do the first tutorial which explains the new interface. If you are updating from V2.0, you probably want to read the chapter entitled 'New Features in V2.5' in the manual (page 108). After unzipping the files and running the Setup Assistant, you're ready to use Moray. You could take a moment to read the Configuration section (page 112), where some of the INI settings are explained that can help you optimize Moray performance. In order to get the highest speed out of your system, please read Section 8.4 VESA Drivers (page 121) of the manual and try installing SDD 5.3 (formerly known as UniVBE) or higher on your system. We have attained a 20- to 80-fold (yes -FOLD!) speed increase on various system after installing SDD 5.3. See the file VESATST.TXT in the UTILS directory for details on the included VESA Test and Benchmark program. The Setup Assistant will display the version of the VESA Driver that it finds. If it does not show V2.0, we suggest trying SDD. Due to space constraints we were forced to exclude the NT console versions of the TTF2UDO and 3DTO3D utilities. You can obtain these from Thomas Baiers website (see the documentation in the UTILS directory). Please visit our website to stay in touch with the latest Moray developments. The URL is: Before April '97 : Starting April '97 : Enjoy working with MORAY V2.5! Suggestions, criticism (and bug reports) are always welcome, ways of reaching us are located in SUPPORT.TXT. Lutz Kretzschmar Markus Lutz